I♡Youth2, 2024-current

I♡Youth2 (“I Love Youth Too”) is a youth arts program by ILY2 (“I Love You Too”).

I♡Youth2 programming centers fostering creative thinkers + makers, rather than simply teaching visual arts skills.
It is process—not product—focused, with thoughtful and engaging offerings ranging from traditional arts, design, craft, + movement, to more experimental areas such as creative wellness; all taught by working artists.


I♡Youth2 will officially open late June 2024, with weeklong, bespoke arts camps happening in July and August.

follow @ilyouth2 on instagram for updates

for I♡Youth2-specific inquiries, you can reach me at daelyn@ily2online.com

my work for I♡Youth2 is funded in part by the Regional Arts & Culture Council.