
games, essays...

click an image to view the project:

.:*+ læçecræft +*:., (in-progress)

an exploration into chimæric hybridity, (im)possibility + digital leeches.

inverted echoes, 2022

a prose-based bitsy game about static and echoes.

portals + mirrors, (in-progress)

a card game for generating and gathering inspirations, using bibliomancy and exploration of internal and external space.

contribute prompts for the deck here! <3

sig.nif.i.cant, 2021

a hypertext essay that asks: what it means to retain a record of where we’ve been, where that record is stored (in our phones as data, in our minds as memory, in our cells as echoes...), and what is “significant”.

chimæra install, 2023

a physical install of my .:*+ læçecræft +*:. and inverted echoes games.